Stuffed animal cleaner 150ml
by SKS

Stuffed animal cleaner 150ml

Regular price¥1,155 JPY
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About this item

  • Unlike detergents and alcohol cleaners, water is treated with a new technology to produce a special electrolyzed ionized water, so it can be used safely even in households with small children.
  • Because it is water-based, there are no stains, yellowing, or stickiness after use, and the fur remains intact and fluffy.
  • It does not contain any irritants that can cause rough hands or toxic substances that can cause pollution.
  • It is very hygienic with excellent sterilizing and deodorizing effects.
  • It can be used not only for stuffed animals, but also for various objects and places.

Removes dirt from stuffed toys with built-in sensors, toys in general, glasses, watch bands, accessories, household items such as refrigerators and vacuum cleaners, carpets, wallpapers, sofas, car seats, strollers and OA equipment etc.


Q: My baby licked a stuffed animal that was cleaned by "Stuffed animal cleaners 150ml".
A: No worry. Plushie Cleaner does not contain any detergents or alcohol, and is 100% safe because it uses a new technology to treat water.

Q: I don't know how to take care of my stuffed animal with built-in sensors. I'm worried about sending it to dry cleaners.
A: Easy! Spray a stuffed animal cleaner on the soiled area and wipe it off with a dry towel. Let it dry naturally. You will be surprised how clean it will be.

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